About this site
This is my personal website, and has been since I first built it as part of a university HTML module back in 2002. This is where I try out new technology and ideas before using them in the “real world”!
The site is currently a Next.js site built with TypeScript, hosted on Vercel.
Next.js App Router
Built on Next.js, in TypeScript. Styled with MUI (V6). Content in Sanity. Hosted on Vercel.
100% TypeScript. Fully using the App router, with i18n and revalidating tagged content
- Next.js
- TypeScript
- MUI (Material UI)
- Sanity CMS
- i18n
Migrated the site to Next.js. Styled with TailWind and deployed on Netlify.
Having previously migrated most of the site & components to TypeScript was a blessing. Whilst the migration to Next.js was complex, it was greatly aided by having components which "knew" what data they needed and would not build with errors!
- Next.js
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Tailwind
- Netlify
Migrated all components, sites and utils to use TypeScript. Only a few remnants of JavaScript remain.
- TypeScript
The Jam (stack)
Built on Gatsby. Styled with Bootstrap. Hosted on Netlify
- Gatsby
- BootStrap
- Netlify
Wagtail CMS
Moved to using Django Wagtail as a more fully fledged CMS
- Django
Django all the way
Moved to a Django / Postgres based site. Sass to style. Hosted on a VPC
- Django
- SCSS / Sass
Moved over to WordPress and started to work with themes & plugins. Styled using CSS
- WordPress
Sometime around here I started to toy with PHP & MySQL to make some basic database driven websites. I'm being vague here, because it was a long time ago!
Macromedia Shockwave
I'd used shockwave in university and it was deployable to the web so I started using it to create interactive content.
The OG
Long long ago in a... University course I built my first web page. This was my first forray in to web development. Built during a web module of my university course, where we learned HTML, and at that time frames, image maps and using table layouts. A lot has changed since then, but this was the code that got my passion for web development started.