Running up the worlds (formerly) steepest street

Sep 15, 2020

A steep road behind the Castle

On the 15th of July 2019, Ffordd Pen Llech became the Guinness world record holder for the steepest street in the world at 37.5%. The road is fairly infamous amongst cyclists as a hill climb (although it's actually a 1 way road - downhill). It starts behind the train station in the beautiful Welsh coastal town of Harlech, rises steeply up around the cliff the castle perches upon, along a narrow twisting road, until you arrive at a gift shop behind the castle! - Photos do it no justice.

Sadly, it lost the accolade in April 2020 back to Baldwin street, Dunedin, NZ, but it's still just as steep!

Since I love the strange and ludicrous stats and achievements, that has meant that it has been on my list for a while. My original plan to run it was postponed due to Covid and lockdowns but during the summer, when we were allowed out, I managed to have a go on a hot and sunny afternoon!

On the map profile you will see the street from 500 to 1000m with the steepest section to 750m. Apart from a brief pause to take a picture on the way up, I'm actually proud to say I made it all the way up - although I must confess that I then spent about a minute bent over with burning legs.

Harlech Castle

I ended up continuing along the route of the The Worlds Steepest Street Race just to get a longer run in!

Would I recommend it? Definitely, although I would suggest attempting it only if you like hills!