Running WordPress on Docker

Jul 14, 2020

WordPress runs on a variety of platforms, but last time I was developing I was using a MAMP stack - Mac Apache MySQL & PHP. It's been a while since I was working on WordPress sites and I no longer have MAMP installed on my machine, however I do have Docker running. Since I can create a LAMP stack (Linux... AMP) running on my Mac. This is a bit closer to what the site would be running on in the real world, plus I can deploy the Docker app to something like a DigitalOcean Droplet quickly.

Let's start by creating a folder for this to contain all the configs and data.

1mkdir wordpress-docker && cd wordpress-docker 

Then add a Docker Compose file, which is used to define and run multiple containers easily.

1touch docker-compose.yml 

Next we need to configure the file itself, so in your favorite editor open up docker-compose.yml. A few things are configured in the Docker Compose:

  • The version of Docker Compose to use
  • The services (containers) we are configuring. These consist of the database and the code.
  • The image for each container to use
  • What ports to open and bind to the host (your machine). This allows each container to speak to the other when needed
  • An env file, where variables like database passwords can be stored so they can be exempt from being committed to source
  • And in the case of the wp container a link to the database container so it can be accessed by name as mysql since the wordpress container image uses this to connect.
1version: "2" services: db: image: mariadb ports: - "8081:3306" env_file: - .env wp: image: wordpress volumes: - ./html/:/var/www/html ports: - "8080:80" env_file: - .env links: - db:mysql 

Create a .env files for the variables (You could also use 2 .env files, one for each container). Note that both passwords MUST be the same!

1 MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=SuperSecretTellNobody! WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=SuperSecretTellNobody! 

That's it for config, now it's time to start your Docker containers. The following command will start to download and build the images and then boot them up. Running it with -d runs it in the background once

1docker-compose up -d 

Once it's booted up and is ready to go you will see something like this:

1Starting wordpress-docker_db_1 ... done Starting wordpress-docker_wp_1 ... done 

In your browser head over to http://localhost:8080/ and you'll be welcomed by the initial setup screens.

If you take a look in your directory you'll have a ./html sub-directory that contains all your WordPress files just like a normal WordPress install.

Note: You can stop docker by running docker compose down